What Is Radon?
Radon is a naturally-occurring radioactive gas, which is caused by uranium in the Earth’s crust breaking down. Radon can be found in most areas of the world, and is one of the most common issues revealed by home inspections.
What Safety Risks Does Radon Have?
Radon is a carcinogen, and is the second most-common cause of lung cancer, behind only tobacco use. This means that it’s an extremely dangerous gas, and any excessive presence of radon in your home could increase your risk of developing cancer, even if you don’t smoke.
Is My Home At Risk For Elevated Radon Levels?
There is no way to tell which homes have elevated radon levels unless they are tested. Every home could be at risk for high levels of radon, and because radon is colorless, odorless and tasteless, you cannot detect this gas without a specialized testing kit.
What’s The Process Of Radon Testing Like?
Radon testing can be performed with short-term test kits, which are placed for 48-90 days, or with long-term kits, which measure radon levels over time periods of 90+ days, and are used to measure seasonal fluctuations in radon levels.
Usually, these test kits consist of charcoal canisters, or other devices which can pick up small amounts of radon. These devices are sent to labs for testing, after they have been in place for the appropriate amount of time. At-home test kits are available, but professional testing will typically provide more accurate results.
What Can I Do If My Home Has Elevated Radon Levels?
If your home has high radon levels, you may be able to remedy this issue by installing a specialized exhaust system, or using plastic sheeting which prevents the gas from entering your home through the foundation or crawlspace.
If you need radon testing in Lake Villa, Hawthorn Woods, Grayslake, or Gurnee, Bee Sure Home Inspections is here to help. Contact us now to learn more, or schedule your appointment right away.