Home Inspections in Hawthorn Woods, IL

Hawthorn Woods is a wealthy town in Lake County, Illinois in Fremont and Ela townships with a population of just over 8,000. This small village is 40 miles northwest of downtown Chicago and sits on just eight square miles.
The average household income in the village was documented to be $132,720, while the average pay received by any given family rested at $134,034. Men reported an average salary of $100,000+, as opposed to females, who reported $55,156. The per person average salary for Hawthorn Woods sat at $49,346.
This quaint town still remembers its agricultural roots and routinely celebrates them with various festivals and markets throughout the year.
The village’s leadership has taken a strong interest in environmentalism in recent years, recently receiving an award in Environmental Excellence. It has also won an America in Bloom National award, officially recognizing it as one of the top-rated locations to settle down in the United States.
Each Christmas, the town hosts a tree lighting event and encourages homes and businesses to decorate vibrantly.
An extensive list of parks is available for public use. In all, 15 different parks provide an array of activities for individuals and families looking to spend time outdoors.
As mentioned, Hawthorn Woods is an affluent community. Houses in this area routinely sell in excess of 400k, with some soaring over the million dollar mark. If you’re considering investing that much money in the Village, a thorough home inspection is a must.
Hawthorn Woods, IL’s Top Home Inspector
A detailed report from Bee Sure Home Inspection can make sure you know everything you need to in order to make a smart investment. Bee Sure is proud to be the area’s top home inspector, offering radon testing, mold inspection, thermal imaging, and more! We aim to make your experience with buying or selling a property as painless as possible. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or to find out more information on the services we provide.
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